Magnus Lindh-Rengifos (2022). Objective and subjective aspects related to walking in people with neurodegenerative disorders. Lunds universitet.
I. Magnus Lindh-Rengifo, Stina B Jonasson, Susann Ullén, Erik Stormrud, Sebastian Palmqvist och Niklas Mattsson-Carlgren m fl (2022). Components of gait in people with and without mild cognitive impairment. Publicerad i Gait & posture.
II. Magnus Lindh-Rengifo, Stina B Jonasson, Susann Ullén m fl (2023). Effects of brain pathologies on objective gait parameters in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Manuskript.
III. Magnus Lindh-Rengifo, Stina B Jonasson, Susann Ullén, Niklas Mattsson-Carlgren och Maria H Nilsson (2021). Perceived walking difficulties in Parkinson’s disease – predictors and changes over time. Publicerad i BMC geriatrics.
IV. Magnus Lindh-Rengifo, Stina B Jonasson, Niklas Mattsson, Susann Ullén och Maria H Nilsson (2019). Predictive factors of concerns about falling in people with Parkinson’s disease: A 3-year longitudinal study. Publicerad i Parkinson’s disease.