Annika Bäck (2021). A view from the top: the local politico-administrative leadership in implementing evidence-based practice in social services. Karolinska institutet.
I. Annika Bäck m fl (2020). Aligning perspectives? – Comparison of top and middle-level managers’ views on how organization influences implementation of evidence-based practice. Publicerad i The British journal of social work.
II. Annika Bäck m fl (2016). Walking the tightrope – perspectives on local politicians’ role in implementing a national social care policy on evidence-based practice. Publicerad i International journal of mental health systems.
III. Annika Bäck m fl (2021). Local politicians in action? The relationship between perceived prerequisites and actions of political committees responsible for social services in supporting the implementation of evidence-based practice. Publicerad i Evidence & Policy.
IV. Annika Bäck m fl. Enabling local political committees to support the implementation of evidence-based practice – a feasibility study. Manuskript.