Elena Shmarina (2023). Oral health-related salutogenic factors: reviewing factors promoting oral health in older people and exploring dental professionals’ perspective. Malmö universitet.
I. Elena Shmarina, Dan Ericson, Sigvard Åkerman och Björn Axtelius (2021). Salutogenic factors for oral health among older people: an integrative review connecting the theoretical frameworks of Antonovsky and Lalonde. Publicerad i Acta odontologica Scandinavia.
II. Elena Shmarina, Dan Ericson, Sigvard Åkerman och Björn Axtelius (2022). Exploring salutogenic factors supporting oral health in the elderly. Publicerad i Acta odontologica Scandinavia.
III. Elena Shmarina, Dan Ericson, Cecilia Franzén och Bengt Götrick (2022). Self-perceived oral health-related salutogenic factors in orally healthy older Swedes. A qualitative interview study. Publicerad i Acta odontologica Scandinavia.
IV. Elena Shmarina, Dan Ericson, Bengt Götrick och Cecilia Franzén (2023). Dental professionals’ perception of their role in the practice of oral health promotion: a qualitative interview study. Publicerad i Bmc oral health.