Läs avhandlingen:
Mascha Pauelsen (2021) Losing control and developing concerns: The complexities of ageing postural control and fall-related concerns. Luleå tekniska universitet.
Läs avhandlingens artiklar:
M Pauelsen, L Nyberg, U Röijezon och I Vikman (2018). Both psychological factors and physical performance are associated with fall-related concerns. Aging clinical and experimental research.
M Pauelsen, I Vikman, V Strandkvist, A Larsson och U Röijezon (2018). Decline in sensorimotor systems explains reduced falls self-efficacy. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology.
M Pauelsen, H Jafari, V Strandkvist, L Nyberg, T Gustafsson, I Vikman och U Röijezon (2020). Fall-related concerns and sensorimotor decline explain low-frequency postural control strategies in older population. PLoS ONE.
H Jafari, M Pauelsen, U Röijezon, L Nyberg, G Nikolakopoulos och T Gustafsson (2018). On internal modellingof the upright postural control in elderly. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO 2018).