Johan Flyborg (2024). Improving oral health assisted by smart powered toothbrushes and exploring their role in innovative health technology. Doktorsavhandling. Blekinge tekniska högskola.
I. Johan Flyborg, Stefan Renvert, Johan Sanmartin Berglund och Peter Anderberg (2023). Use of a powered toothbrush to improve oral health in individuals with cognitive impairment. Publicerad i Gerondontology.
II. Johan Flyborg, Stefan Renvert, Peter Anderberg och Johan Sanmartin Berglund (2024). The long-term effect on oral health and quality of life using a powered toothbrush in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. An intervention trial. Publicerad i Special care in dentistry.
III. Johan Flyborg, Stefan Renvert, Peter Anderberg, Tobias Larsson och Johan Sanmartin Berglund (2024). Results of objective brushing data recorded from a powered toothbrush used by elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment related to values for oral health. Publicerad i Clinical oral investigations.
IV. Johan Flyborg, Stefan Renvert, Peter Anderberg, Ulrika Isaksson och Johan Sanmartin Berglund (2023). Measurement of body temperature in the oral cavity with a temperature sensor integrated with a powered toothbrush. Publicerad i SN applied sciences.