Louise Sundberg (2021). Better all the time? Trends in health and longevity among older adults in Sweden. Karolinska institutet.
I. Louise Sundberg m fl (2016). Trends in health expectancies among the oldest old in Sweden, 1992-2011. Publicerad i European journal of public health.
II. Louise Sundberg m fl (2018). Why is the gender gap in life expectancy decreasing? The impact of age-and cause-specific mortality in Sweden 1997–2014. Publicerad i International journal of public health.
III. Louise Sundberg m fl (2021). Increasing inequalities in disability-free life expectancy among older adults in Sweden 2002-2014. Skickad för granskning.
IV. Louise Sundberg (2021). Is there a trade-off between mortality selection and disabilities in exceptionally old age? Evidence from the 5-coop study. Manuskript.