Linn Zulka (2021). On retirement and cognitive aging from a life-span perspective. Göteborgs universitet.
I. Linn Zulka m fl (2019). Impact of retirement on cognitive function: A literature review. Publicerad i GeroPsych: The journal of gerontopsychology and geriatric psychiatry. (Inloggning krävs.)
II. Linn Zulka m fl (2021). Effects of work demand and changes in leisure activity on post-retirement memory. Publicerad i GeroPsych: The journal of gerontopsychology and geriatric psychiatry. (Inloggning krävs.)
III. Linn Zulka m fl (2021). Personality and reasoning ability during retirement age: Report from a Swedish population-based longitudinal study. Publicerad i Journal of research in personality.
IV. Linn Zulka m fl (2021). The role of young adulthood intelligence and contact with friends in life satisfaction during the retirement transition. Manuskript.