Jing Wu (2023). Ambient air pollution and transportation noise: How they affect mental health in older adults. Karolinska institutet.
I. Giulia Grande, Jing Wu, Petter L.S. Ljungman, Massimo Stafoggia, Tom Bellander och Debora Rizzuto (2021). Long-term exposure to PM2.5 and cognitive decline: A longitudinal population-based study. Publicerad i Journal of Alzheimer’s disease.
II. Jing Wu, Giulia Grande, Massimo Stafoggia, Petter Ljungman, Erika J. Laukka, Kristina Eneroth et al. (2022). Air pollution as a risk factor for cognitive impairment no dementia (CIND) and its progression to dementia: A longitudinal study. Publicerad i Environmental international.
III. J Wu, G Grande, F Triolo, A Pyko, EJ Laukka, L Sjöberg et al. [Manuskript]. Air pollution and depression in older adults: Results from a Swedish population-based cohort study.
IV. J Wu, G Grande, A Pyko, EJ Laukka, G Pershagen, M Ögren et al. [Manuskript]. Long-term exposure to transportation noise in relation to global cognition decline and cognitive impairment: Results from a Swedish longitudinal cohort.