Lisa Herulf Scholander (2023). Narrative relations. Resources for meaning-making and person-centred practices in geriatric care. Doktorsavhandling. Karolinska institutet.
I. L H Scholander, S Vikström, M Mondaca och S Josephsson (2021). Stories under construction: Exploring meaning-making on a geriatric ward. Publicerad i Journal of aging studies.
II. L H Scholander, A-M Boström, S Josephsson och S Vikström (2023). Engaging in narrative relations in everyday work on a geriatric ward: A qualitative study with healthcare professionals. Publicerad i Journal of clinical nursing.
III. L H Scholander, A-M Boström, S Josephsson och S Vikström [Manuskript]. Hidden or approved? Exploring arenas for narrative relations in geriatric care.
IV. L H Scholander, S Vikström, A-M Boström och S Josephsson [Manusskript]. Inquiring into the conditions for engaging in narrative relations on a geriatric ward – how interpretation matters in everyday practices.